Friday, July 10, 2009

A Rare Glimpse Into The Highly Unorganized Life of . . . Me

Dear Mom,
Unlike Kim, I will never be caught up. Not on daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly chores. I do have good intentions. My dryer does have dry towels. But that's only out of necessity because the kids need to dry off after swim team practice and meets. And the kids don't go to the "towel closet", they go straight to the dryer. Yeah, don't ask about the other dirty laundry that ISN'T in the dryer, or the washing machine for that matter.

My pantry did just get restocked this afternoon. I had to fit the grocery store in between swim team practice this morning, stroke clinics this afternoon and working a special event at the yarn store tonight. While the food was literally thrown into my pantry, the kids and husband will be fed. Of course, is there ever "anything good to eat" anyway?!

And books?! I have been reading several books. In bed. At night. So I've only been able to manage a few pages before nodding off. And then I forget what I've just read. So I usually have to start over. A lot. I've read several pages from several books, though.

I have also done several photography jobs. I have been the swim team photographer for several years.

I have also been talking to a high profile hotel and have earned the job to take photos of the hotel for an updated website and brochure! When that job is finished, I will let all of you "see" the website! I have also had a smattering of children turning a year older, smiling their biggest birthday smiles and looking equally smug and sweet in new birthday clothes!

No. I will never be caught up. I think I like it this way. I have been spending my "lazy summer days" with my kids, my family, my neighbors and friends. Time we don't normally have during school hours. In the summer, we have long cookouts. The kids have friends spend the night. We solve world problems over s'mores with neighbors. We stay out too late watching fireworks. We love. We laugh. Ahhhhhh. Life's so sweet.

Love, Wendy


I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

Congrats on the photog jobs!

Lynette said...

Yay on your business growing!! Do you think you'll be able to (or do you even want to) leave the yarn store eventually? No, I'm NOT asking that because I have plans for you... then again... muahahaha! Love you, babe!! Miss chattin' with ya like we were able to during the school year.