Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I surprise myself sometimes

Dear Mom,

It shocks and shames me to admit that last week, as I stood in the long line at the grocery store, I caught myself perusing the latest issue of Country Music Weekly magazine. It was a slow moving line. I could try and blame it on GinaWhoCanParallelPark, but she wasn't there to put the issue into my hands. Because I did take a swift glance, I was able to give her the scoop on Toby Keith's new clothing line. GinaWhoCan ParallelPark has her finger on the pulse of celebrity gossip, so scooping her is a significant achievement.

As if that admission isn't bad enough, later that day, in an effort to put myself in Time Out so as not to "lose it" while dealing with the kids, dinner and homework after school, I found myself in my bedroom with the door closed and the tv tuned into QVC. (for the record, I didn't intentionally tune into QVC, I just somehow landed there) I was weak. Other than the one time I ordered the "Miracle Mop" when the kids were really little, I have never ordered anything from QVC.

I was vulnerable. There he was, telling me that I was worth it, that I could do whatever I needed to do. All I needed was to believe in myself, and that he believed in me. And it was the QVC deal of the day. I caved.

I ordered the entire library of Richard Simmons' "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVD's.

I have "Sweatin' to the Oldies" 1, 2, 3, and 4. I have "Party off the Pounds", Richard Simmons SuperSweatin' Aerobic Workout and finally, I have "Boogie Down the Pounds", Richard Simmons SuperSweatin' Disco Workout. The QVC special included the bonus disc "Richard Simmons Love Yourself and Win, Six Steps to Self-Esteem and Permanent Weight Loss" which I suppose next time I put myself in Time Out I should watch rather that flip through the channels and land on QVC again.



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