Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Dear Mom,
My garden experiments were not exactly scientific- no control groups, too many variables, etc- but I did learn a few things. Like what NOT to do next year.
If you remember, I planted seed potatoes in three different ways: In a large pot, in my compost bin, and in the ground. After harvesting all three, it was obvious that IN THE GROUND was by far the best yield. Harder to harvest, though, but fun if you think of it as digging for treasure. Which it is. The compost bin was easiest to harvest and also had a good yield. The flower pot did have some potatoes in it, but it also contained a bone that Olive had buried. Perhaps the bone and the disruption caused by its burial affected the results.
Conclusion: I will grow my potatoes in the ground next year.

As for tomatoes grown in the bag of soil.....Despite Brother's success with this method, I have to say it was a FAILURE. Very disappointing. VERY. Dis. A. PoINT. InG. For a girl who loves her fresh, garden-grown, EatThemHotAndDustyRightInTheGarden Tomatoes, it was foolish of me to take the risk and grow them any other way.
Conclusion: I will grow my tomatoes in the ground next year.

I think I am going to need a bigger garden.


p.s. good stuff on my knitting needles.

p.p.s Olive is still limping.

1 comment:

Sandy C. said...

I had some fingerlings that had eyes growing so I put them in 2 big pots. Need to harvest but the plants were of nice size. For tomatoes, I grow from seed and was so surprised how easily they are to grow. This year I planted the seeds directly in the ground and I have the best crop by far. Granted it has been a wet summer compared to some previous ones. I grow heirlooms and they are doing great. I use Renees seeds and she has an end of season sale of 40%% off. My seeds for next year are on their way.