Dear Mom,
It is a snow day. I woke up , watched the school listings crawl by on the tv and then went back to bed. When I did get up for real, it was the kind of morning the required spending lots of time in my favorite robe- you know, the old green velour number that zips up the front? That's the one! We had 9 inches of snow last night. I know because I measured the snow on the patio this morning when I went out to fill up the bird feeders.
My Hero took the doglsed (aka "Stealth", the Honda Civic Hybrid) in to work this morning after shoveling himself out of the driveway. Don't worry, he arrived safely.
The Little Lady has had a great time playing with the neighbors in the hills left behind by the snowplow,

and My Young Man is out
shoveling with a Buddy.
I think Buddy is talking more
than shoveling (note position of snow shovel on Buddy's shoulder), but they are happy.
And outside.
For me, the best way to spend a day like this is
inside with hot tea and knitting.
I'll bake some cinnamon streusel muffins and make hot chocolate.
But mostly I will be drying coats, hats, mittens and snow pants in the dryer, wiping up the snow puddles on the kitchen floor and balancing boots upside down on all the heating vents.....

And to give us a hopeful glimpse
of spring-like beauty, here is a
picture of the flowers My Hero
brought me yesterday.
Tulips and yellow roses.
I think the sun is starting to come out.
Only 5 days til Groundhog day.