After a weekend of listening to fights, squeals of pain and "stop touching me" sorts of positioning, we have removed Lucy (aka Lucy Fur) from the guinea pig cage.
She is now sharing a cage with Smokey, the rabbit who lives. Henceforth, this shall be known as the geriatric cage. Actually, I don't think Smokey minds the company and Lucy seems happy. Maybe all along she has believed herself to be a rabbit and has finally achieved her goal.
The young pigs cannot believe their good fortune to be living Lucy-free. No more turf wars. They are both hopping around the cage, bravely scurrying in and out of the guinea pig hut and unable to believe they can do this without risk. Kind of like a classroom when the teacher steps out for a bit.
Knitting Update
While still under the spell of Startitis, I cast on the third project in 2 days. The Young Lady's Easter top, which is NOT A DRESS!!! is now on the needles. Actually, I think I started it about 5 times yesterday evening before finally getting it right. (Lots of interruptions.) It is a modification of the girls dress I designed. (Still haven't heard anything about that submission, I'll let you know.) Because this is NOT A DRESS!!!, I am calling the Young Lady's version "Tights are the Enemy".
Maybe because I had so many start overs last night, or maybe I am getting immune, but I no longer feel that Startitis has a grip on me. I imagine that it won't be long before I am feeling the inevitable Finishing Fever.