Dear Mom,
After too many cold, wet days, we were treated to a beautiful, sunny, warm day yesterday. A good day to spend working in the yard, tending to the lawn and gardens, and remembering.
I always think about Daddy when I am mowing with his John Deere. Now my John, Dear. I remember the time he came out trying to help me figure out what was wrong with my old John Deere, which always worked just fine when he got on, started it up and whipped around my yard at lightening speed, giving me that look that was pretending to be irritated with me for the interruption but the sparkle in his eye, the tilt of his head and the barely concealed smile told me that he was really tickled with the situation and his dumbstruck daughter.

I moved some perennials and planted some new ones. I planted hollyhocks, foxglove, delphinium, shasta daisy, as well as a few that I was not familiar with but looked pretty: silene, soapwort and viola labrador. Now I just need to keep them watered and hope the bunnies don't eat them.
I weeded a bit and cleared up some of the dead stuff from around the perennials. I could spend the entire day today doing the same, but the inside is looking neglected. I need to find some balance. The weather is predicted to be nice through the weekend, so I should be able to manage keeping up with both, and still find time to sit on the porch with my knitting and enjoy it all.