Dear Mom,
and the 4-H Queen,

and Princesses from last year,
And a Princess from yesteryear.
There was even a Prince.
That sounds like a book title, doesn't it? Could be a murder mystery with Indiana's version of Miss Marple solving the crime behind the scenes.....hmmmmm.....
I thought I would share pictures and recap Saturday's afternoon at the Tipton Pork Festival. This being our first year to attend in the afternoon, rather than the evening, we were treated to a wholesome slice of Americana- the local parade. This was the kind of parade that, as Will's Lady pointed out, if you have it in your barn and it moves, put it in the parade.
In addition to everybody's tractors, there were the obligatory 2009 Pork Festival Princesses,
and Princesses from last year,
And a Princess from yesteryear.
It has been a long time since I have seen a Baton Twirler. I think they may be an endangered species.
This parade was healthy with Marching Bands,
And my vote for Most Important Person In A Parade goes to:
This guy.