Summer is just flying by! So much to do and see. The county fair is always a highlight of my see the proud 4-Hers displaying their projects and the community coming together to appreciate and support them is heartwarming. The "Small Animal Barn" is my favorite place to visit at the fair. It houses the poultry, pygmy goats and rabbits.
These are Sarah's pygmy goats--Jolly, Yeager and Bud. They just wouldn't hold still!
Here are two adorable Jersey Wooly rabbits.
This is a beautiful Belgian Bearded D'Uccle rooster--Meg's male counterpart. Looks like he needed a special warning sign against poking fingers...poor little guy.
The weather has been superb and my little garden is producing some wonderful veggies. I really thought my beans were finished once the rabbits discovered them. I covered them with bird netting to keep the rabbits out and quickly learned that bean plants do not actually need their leaves to blossom and produce fruit. There are so many beans now that I don't mind sharing them with the rabbits.
This is my first big beans, green peppers, Early Girl tomato and zucchini.
I'm eager to try out this sweet corn, but I'm not quite sure how to know when it's ready to be harvested...The 16-foot tall Sunzilla sunflowers....didn't quite make it much past 5 feet!! Oh well, they are still pretty along the fence line. These sunflowers turned out to be HIGH MAINTENANCE! The rabbits, bugs and shade are their enemies.