I finished the February Lady Sweater as planned and wore her on Friday to my favorite local yarn shop, The Village Yarn Shop, in Zionsville.
The owner purchased a couple of my
patterns to sell and I took them in to her.
I had also given her a sample of the Diagonal Surprise sweater for her to display ~ it looks nice up there, I think.
There were some strong knitterly vibes in the store that day. I stayed to knit awhile. Like pretty much until I had to be home to meet the bus. There were expert knitters enjoying the company of other knitters. There were two friends there; one teaching the other to knit. Knitters love to get new knitters addicted. We oozed support and encouragement. Because the New Knitter was trying to learn on hobby shop needles, one veteran knitter was compelled to step in with a needle intervention. Quality needles were provided in a flash, maybe even before the New Knitter knew what was happening!
In my winter knitting nest, listening to books, and knitting.
Love, Kim