On this special day, 43 years ago, you brought twins into our world! In the months prior, Kim wished for a girl and I wanted a boy.
"Twice as much to love, two blessings from above."
"The Twins" were happy, healthy, rolly polly babies!
"It's double the giggles and double the grins, and double the trouble if you're blessed with twins."
At 17 months, The Twins were already partners in crime.
**Brother has requested privacy and asked that no photos be published beyond this point**
Christmas 1970
3-year old Wendy was not afraid to talk to Santa!
Wendy at age 7 - Remember those loooong stocking caps?!
Christmas 1974 - Wendy with Holly Hobby and the Barbie Jet
Smiling with Zeke in 1977
1979 - Who wears short-shorts?!!
High School
May 1989 - A beautiful bride, wearing her mother's wedding gown
"So much alike, forever linked, and yet they’re also quite distinct."
Happy Birthday to "Our Twins" !
Love, Bonnie Jo