Dear Mom,
As planned,on Tuesday evening I was able to finish the little knitted shawlette. I blocked it on Wednesday morning and here it is on the blog today!
Elle is modeling it with a felted hat I made years ago. By happy accident, the colors in this shawlette are perfect with the hat and will dress up my navy peacoat!
The yarn is Footlights, from Blue Ridge Yarns, color Wild Cherry. The interesting thing about this sock yarn is that it comes bundled in 4 mini skeins of coordinating colors. Enough for a pair of socks, but I thought the yarn and colors were too pretty to hide in my shoes. I purchased 2 bundles- I wasn't sure about the specifics, but I knew there was a scarf or shawl in there and 2 bundles would guarantee enough yarn for something decent. I searched on ravelry and decided on this pattern. I used one of the colors from both bundles for the solid portion of the shawl and then alternate the three remaining colors for the striped portion. I knit until I ran out of yarn- or more specifically, until it didn't look like I had enough of a color left to work a stripe and bind off.
On Saturday, weather permitting, I am taking a weaving class. I have only a sketchy idea of what I will be weaving ( a shawl, I think) but I do know I will learn how to dress my loom from front to back, and that this is supposed to be a good stash busting project. I dug through my abundant stash for single skeins, leftover bits, and hand dyed/handspun skeins that were really too small for any serious knitting projects.
Olive helped.
I decided on this combo and wound the warps last night.
If you look closely at this blurry photo, you may notice that right there in the middle of the group, near the top, is the yarn I ordered for the Downton Abbey knitalong. Actually, it was the Downton Abbey MYSTERY knitalong. I knitted about 1/3 of the project before I faced the truth. I did not like and would NEVER wear the gauntlets that this knitalong was creating. No how. No way. And I do not think pretty lace knitting should ever be hidden in a variegated yarn. So there. I quit. The yarn, hopefully, will be happy and pretty in what ever it is I am weaving on Saturday.
Also, left of center is the last of the copper pipe dyed handspun. I've already used some of it to weave this scarf.
I'll share the results of my weaving class- good, bad or ugly.
Until then,
Spring Has Sprung
12 hours ago