Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009
Country Livin' in the Summer
The weather has been superb and my little garden is producing some wonderful veggies. I really thought my beans were finished once the rabbits discovered them. I covered them with bird netting to keep the rabbits out and quickly learned that bean plants do not actually need their leaves to blossom and produce fruit. There are so many beans now that I don't mind sharing them with the rabbits.
This is my first big harvest...green beans, green peppers, Early Girl tomato and zucchini.
I'm eager to try out this sweet corn, but I'm not quite sure how to know when it's ready to be harvested...The 16-foot tall Sunzilla sunflowers....didn't quite make it much past 5 feet!! Oh well, they are still pretty along the fence line. These sunflowers turned out to be HIGH MAINTENANCE! The rabbits, bugs and shade are their enemies.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Birthday Girl

Dear Mom,
Twelve years ago The Young Lady hollered her way into the world, and stayed angry until we left the hospital, when thankfully, she settled into the contentment of home and quieted down.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Harry Potter Madness

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Rare Glimpse Into The Highly Unorganized Life of . . . Me
My pantry did just get restocked this afternoon. I had to fit the grocery store in between swim team practice this morning, stroke clinics this afternoon and working a special event at the yarn store tonight. While the food was literally thrown into my pantry, the kids and husband will be fed. Of course, is there ever "anything good to eat" anyway?!
And books?! I have been reading several books. In bed. At night. So I've only been able to manage a few pages before nodding off. And then I forget what I've just read. So I usually have to start over. A lot. I've read several pages from several books, though.
I have also been talking to a high profile hotel and have earned the job to take photos of the hotel for an updated website and brochure! When that job is finished, I will let all of you "see" the website! I have also had a smattering of children turning a year older, smiling their biggest birthday smiles and looking equally smug and sweet in new birthday clothes!
No. I will never be caught up. I think I like it this way. I have been spending my "lazy summer days" with my kids, my family, my neighbors and friends. Time we don't normally have during school hours. In the summer, we have long cookouts. The kids have friends spend the night. We solve world problems over s'mores with neighbors. We stay out too late watching fireworks. We love. We laugh. Ahhhhhh. Life's so sweet.
Love, Wendy
Thursday, July 9, 2009

It is a well written, smart story of love and friendship, revenge and loyalty with interesting characters. I will definitely be reading or listening to more Jeffrey Archer.
I also started listening to The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
I may only be about halfway through this one, but I am enchanted by this story so far.
The story is told in the form of letters written among the characters just after WWII, in London and the Guernsey Island. I am captivated, curious and don't want to stop listening! I have the feeling this may be one of those stories that I won't want to end. It also may be one that needs to reside on my book shelves rather than in digital form on my ipod.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The morning routine

It is not a naughty site, I promise.
Anyway, the blogger was wishing she owned a cat so she could get it stuck in a tree.
As I gazed at all that firemanly goodness, I drifted back to the day in 1982 when a group of Dental Hygiene Students Soon to Be Graduating and Desperately Seeking Board Patients went on an afternoon tour of downtown fire stations. Imagine a small group of cute 2o-somethings walking into the fire station and asking sweetly of the men if we could see their teeth. Not a problem as they were already grinning/leering. One of us did luck out and get a board patient, but the rest of us went on to find our patients elsewhere. And Nowhere did I see any firemen that looked like the men in that photo.
Of course, I was probably blinded by the engagement ring on my finger and wouldn't have noticed them if I was looking right in their mouths.
And just so you don't think I spend all my time looking at beefcake the web:
On Sunday, I finished a pair of socks.
Claudia's Handpainted Fingering, Passion Fruit
And started another.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Rocket's Red Glare
Once the fireworks are exhausted, we have almost as much fun with clean up, as the kids and adults arm themselves with flashlights and brooms and clean up as much shrapnel as possible before we all head off to bed smelling of smoke and sulfur. Final cleanup the next day insures that no neighbors are left with any debris in the yards.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
What fireworks?!
Happy 4th of July!!!
Love, Wendy
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Current Events

And just to close the loop, The Young Lady has a Jonas Brothers picture on her bulletin board.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Boy's got Skillz
Yes, it is within the allotted space.
And, as he was oh-so-quick to inform me, it really isn't his fault that HE parked at a nearly 45 degree angle in the garage (something that frankly I am not sure I could do even if I tried) because:
1. It is his Dad's fault for not telling him to turn soon enough.
2. It is because of where the car had to be parked. In the garage. It just stinks.
3. It is his Dad's fault for not fixing it.
Yes, I was still able to park my car in the garage. And I think this shot gives a better perspective of the extreme diagonal-ness of the car's position. My car, on the right, is lined up straight.
Like I said. The boy has skillz.
And they are MINE.