Monday, May 3, 2010

The Graduate

Dear Mom,

She did it!


Chris said...

Woo-hoo! She's got the world at her doorstep. Who knows where this will take her! Do I see grad school in her future?

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you, good puppy. If you ever want to meet a pretty puppy and have a play date, I would love it.I am a 1 1/2 y.o yellow lab named Beasley, but friends call me BEA. Tell your mom that she needs to ask Sherri to set up the date. I am sure as handsome as you are, you aren't interested in just any old girl. I have references about my behavior and photos if desired.

Liz said...

Well done Patsy, great acheivment, she does look particularly pleased with herself don't you think???

Carol L. said...

Yeah Patsy! Good Dog.

Anonymous said...

OOPS. Why did I think you were Pat, not Patsy? I'd still like to play some day. Love, Beasley