Today we soaked up much of the warm air and spring-like smells on a 3 mile walk. Bumper needed a wipe down at the end of his mile with lots of dirty snow splatter on his legs and belly. The spring-like temps are probably just a teaser, but I realize that it is time to put a beach towel by the back door to intercept Bumper's muddy paws.
At the grocery store this afternoon, while picking up sliced pineapple and trying to remember/figure out where for the love of pushing a cart in way too many aisles they might keep the maraschino cherries, I observed two little girls pushing the "Shopper in Training" carts. They were a ragtag pair, with snaggled hair, chapped lips, and rumpled play clothes. With pant legs tucked into half-zipped boots, they marched back and forth across the ice cream and frozen food aisle, reorganizing their carts for maximum capacity, swapping items as necessary and rearranging for the most visually pleasing cart. This was Serious Business. I left before witnessing a tug-of-war over a box of frozen waffles and only hope their mother was able to complete her shopping before any disagreements broke out.
By the way, the maraschino cherries are with the ice cream toppings.
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