Thursday, February 12, 2009

February Lady Sweater

Dear Mom,
I spent the best part of my Wednesday knitting with friends. We had some delicious ham and bean soup and blueberry muffins. We admired each other's yarn and projects. We are a knitterly version of a Think Tank, solving world crises and local problems, offering advice and support to each other. We even provide yarn in knitting emergencies. Which is A Very Good Reason for maintaining a deep stash. And we think we all might need a flashing light like the one Starsky and Hutch had that attaches to the cars when making an emergency yarn pick up or delivery. And mostly we laugh.

I made progress on my February Lady Sweater.

I restarted the yoke last week. I didn't like the raglan shaping for this sweater, and felt that the gauge was too tight for this yarn. I decided on a more rounded yoke and did some math at the new, looser gauge and started over.

I am well into the lace on the body and it is moving along quickly now. I hope to start the sleeves this weekend and should have no problems having this sweater finished in February!



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